Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New Show Alert: Hollywood Exes

Hollywood Exes stars Nicole Murphy, Jessica Canseco, Sheree Fletcher, Andrea Kelly, and Mayte Garcia.

According to the press release: “These five women, who have all been friends for years and in some cases for as long as 20 years, want to show the world they are more than just a trophy wife with a pretty face. They want to establish themselves as independent, successful women and bring relevance and honor to themselves separate from their very famous exes…even if there is a little drama along the way.”

Andrea Kelly *R. Kelly's Ex-Wife*
Nicole Murphy *Eddie Murphy's Ex-Wife*
Sheree' Fletcher *Will Smith's Ex-Wife*
Mayte' Garcia *Prince's Ex-Wife*
Jessica Conseco *Jose' Conseco's Ex-Wife*

Soooooo....This new joint, "Hollywood Exes" which is FINALLY PROPERLY NAMED, introduced us to 5 chicas who actually seem like they didn't all meet in the green room or at the craft services table!! It's less RATCHET-TY than the other VH-1 shows & kinda what we all THOUGHT Basketball Wives would be like!!

We start off with R. Kelly's ex, Andrea, who was married to him through the whole "I Piss on Jr. High School Girls" scandal!! The funny thing is, just like her castmates, a lot of people didn't even know his ass was married!! So you mean  to tell me she sat through that ugly trial AND him wearing that fucking mask like he was one of Michael Jackson's kids, AND all 7200 episodes of Trapped in The Closet?? WOWZERS!! She's a SKRONG Chica to endure all that tom foolery even if her face kinda looks like she fell asleep on a bed of rocks!! And her assistant?? Was I the only one thinking that his head look like it was freshly squeezed with a pair of Vice Grips?? LMAOOOOOO!! Anywho, girlfriend is leaving Chi-Town & relocating to Cali & starts complaining when she runs into The Devil AKA The 405 Freeway!! She's not easy on the eyes, but I admire her spirit and her line about staying Drama Free, "Please...I got stretch marks & mortgages!" ;-)

Next we meet Nicole Murphy, Eddie Murphy's ex & she explains what it's like going from being waited on hand & foot, poppin tags with no realm of why price tags exist, & having Gucci this, Gucci that to having to do like the rest of us REGULAR folks and cook meals, clean house, & shop with an imaginary price gun!! She's now engaged to Michael Strahan...yeah gapped toofus ex NYC Giants Michael Strahan!! She's supposed to be this beautiful GLAMAZON, but I kept finding her botox-ed face & her Orangy Leathery look quite disturbing!! OH!!

Then Halleluyer!! We meet Sheree Fletcher, Will Smith's ex wife, who is now a preacher's wife...a preacher who refuses to relocate from San Diego while she lives in LA!! I like RedBone Jesus Barbie but  the jury is still out on her hubby the ReveRent Passah Fletcher!! Call me weird but something about him not wanting to relocate to LA seems off!! O_o

Did yall even know Prince's lil pretty ass was something like a Mike's Hard Lemonade & Condoms kinda guy?? (looks for Chris Hansen LMAOOOO!!) His ex Mayte says she met him while she was 16 yrs old!! Mamacita seems somewhat well adjusted to living life without The Lil Purple Lesbian (couldn't he pass as a Pretty Ass Woman though?? CTFUUUUUU!!) so I was REALLY CONFROOSED & wondering why she had that BUSTED ASS SOCCER MOM on her couch tryna hook her up on a date!! *_* A bit of advice?? Get rid of that DAMN ZOO!! How you gon when you got 1700 cats, 500 dogs, 2 fish, & some fuckin birds?? FAILURE OF GEORGE BUSH AT THE LIBRARY PROPORTIONS!!

And finally we meet the group's resident Shit Starter (according to the previews) Jessica, Jose Conseco's ex who seems like a BALL of Fun & Surprises!! Did her ex REALLY ask her if he could move back in?? YES!! Did she invite his ass out with her so he can watch & droul from afar as she danced & had a good time with her girls?? YES!! Did this crazy heffa really have Cooch Surgery on the 1st epi?? YES!! I love her crazy ass cause it looks like she's the one that's gonna keep things interesting!!

Overall, I like these ladies because they actually seem to share a TRUE BOND & they have a lil class about themselves...but I guess we'll have to keep watching to see if we'll get MustSeeRatchet TV!!

Love, Peace, & Blue Magic Hair Grease Yall!! ;-)

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